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  5. Taubman College R+CP Funding & Research Incentive Programs

Taubman College R+CP Funding & Research Incentive Programs

Get It Going Microgrants

Sometimes just a little support can get projects going.  The “Get It Going” program is jointly funded by the Associate...

College Seed Fund

Limited funding is available to support research, creative practice, and other project development opportunities for faculty in the form of...

Research Catalyst and Innovation (RCI) Awards

The Office of the Vice President for Research Research (OVPR) offers support for research, scholarship, and creative activities in all...

Waived Indirect Costs (IDC) for DEI-related, foundation-funded projects

If you wish to request a reduction in IDC rate, please fill out the IDC Waiver Request Form Some sponsoring...

Dissemination Funding for Presentation at Peer-Reviewed Venues

The College supports the dissemination of completed or substantially completed peer-reviewed work, including conference and exhibition participation. These funds are...

Dissemination Funding for Publication Subvention

The College supports the dissemination of completed or substantially completed peer-reviewed work, including for publications in books and journals. For...

IDC Supplements To Discretionary Funding

College Research Incentive Funds (IDC Supplements To Discretionary Funding) For externally-funded projects bearing more than 28% IDC recovery, the College...

Other Incentives & Funding

(1) A variety of internal additional college research initiatives and funding programs are offered (and update more frequently) as support...

Course Buy-Out / Course Release

To support and encourage faculty research activity, Taubman College provides one of the most generous course buy-out incentives on campus...

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