Research Catalyst and Innovation (RCI) Awards

The Office of the Vice President for Research Research (OVPR) offers support for research, scholarship, and creative activities in all fields. The awards are supervised / administered by the Taubman College Research and Creative Practice team (co-monitored by OVPR for compliance) — in consultation with the Taubman College Research Policy Committee. The Associate Dean for Research and Creative Practice and the Taubman College Research Policy Committee evaluate and select awardees. RCI awards are not intended to cover the total cost of the project, but rather to complement other internal support, to catalyze and grow existing projects, and to address important needs not met by other support programs within or outside the University. 

Matching funding from a unit, school/college, department, or other internal or external sources is required. Proposals should include a plan for research development which might include the utilization of any service, resource, workshop, program, process or tool that helps faculty and teams increase competitiveness for extramural funding or achieve long-term research and scholarship goals and sustain these efforts. Applicants should clearly articulating goals for project phasing, evaluation, teaming, strategy, dissemination, and research-project-to-research-program evolution.

Please direct any questions about project fit and scope, proposal guidelines, budget preparation, research development needs, and types of awards to the R+CP team email 

Deadlines: Publication Subvention awards are rolling. Small-scale and preliminary project and artistic productions and performance awards now have the following target deadlines [September 24th, 2024; January 28, 2025] for review by the Research Policy Committee. Our goal is to conduct panel reviews and communicate award decisions within about six weeks from the time of submission.

RCI Awards: Frequently Asked Questions

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