Understand Project Lifecycle

Understand Project Lifecycles

A high-level overview for seeking funding for and launching your project.

Refine Ideas

The first stage in the project lifecycle is the refinement of ideas, as a means of defining a project and...

Find Funding

As you continue to refine your ideas, you will also need to find funding in order to test, develop, and...

Develop Proposal

Once you have identified some funding opportunities, you will need to develop your proposals to align with the goals and...

Route + Submit Proposal

To allow enough time for these approval procedures to occur in a timely manner, the Route + Submit Proposal process...

Set Up Project

After submitting your proposal and being awarded the grant, set up your project with the Research Administrator / R+CP Team...

Manage Project

Once you have set up your project, you will need to effectively manage your project to meet project milestones, steadily...

Close Out Project

As you manage your project, you will need to initiate procedures to close out your project about 4 months prior...

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