Branding and Design


You can download Taubman College Logos, Letterhead, Templates, and Zoom Backgrounds from Dropbox.

Quick Style Guide

Please refer to the Taubman College Quick Style Guide for best practices in fonts, colors, graphic elements, and logo usage. Note: This...


Helvetica Neue LT Pro is the primary brand font. Please refer to the Taubman College Quick Style Guide for font...


The Taubman College Style Guide includes preferred colors for college materials. There are four categories for the brand colors: Primary...


Note: Pre-printed letterhead is available in the Dean’s Suite. There are 3 letterhead template options – blank, with shapes +...

Presentation Templates

Presentation templates are available in Google Slides. Currently, there is one template available for use. To use the presentation template,...

11 x 17 Poster Templates

Use for events that do not fall under the College Lecture Series. Please refer to the Taubman College Quick Style...

Zoom Backgrounds

Click on any image to open in a new window, then use Control+S to save the image to your computer....

Business Cards

Taubman College business cards are available by request. Please place new orders with Qiana London,

Email Signatures

Email signatures are provided for ease of copying and pasting into Gmail. Open the link below and follow the included...

Taubman Tools for Faculty, Staff, and Current Students

The Taubman College Intranet is an evolving repository of information co-created by us all for faculty, staff, and current students. It is a single starting point to access internal resources and complements other college and university resources.

Use the site navigation or the search function to locate content. Click "thumbs up" or 'thumbs down" to let content providers know if the information was helpful...or not! Let us know using this form if you cannot find the information you need, identify content that needs to be updated, or have questions or ideas.

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