Projects in Southeast Michigan that engage the community and support the region’s growth Amount: $20,000 – $50,000 (preference $30,000) Internal Deadline: April 7, 2023 Foundation Deadline for invited proposals, May 15, 2023, 5 PM; projects must start after the funding decision is made at the end of September 2023. Initial Application: Brief concept paper, submitted to Maureen Martin at Geographic
Category: Foundation Funding, Fellowships & Awards
W.T. Grant Foundation seeks research to reduce inequality in youth outcomes and improve the use of research evidence – Deadline: May 3
Research to improve the lives of young people ages 5-25 Deadline: May 3, 2023, 3PM EST Amount: $100,000-$1,000,000 over 2-4 years for Research Grants to Improve Research Evidence$100,000-$600,000 over 2-3 years for Research Grants to Reduce Inequality Application: LOI requires an online application and narrative of up to five pages. Invitations to submit 25-page full proposals typically come within eight weeks of the LOI deadline. The
Graham Foundation – Grants to Organizations
Internal Preliminary Proposals Due: Jan 23rd 2023 Up to $30,000 support for Production and Presentation Grants
Ford Foundation Scholars in Residence Program at The Museum of Modern Art
Nominations due February 1, 2023 for the September 2023 cohort of the Ford Foundation Scholars in Residence at The Museum of Modern Art.