Taubman College Research Guidelines Overview

This section outlines Taubman College research and creative practice-related policies and practices that are intended to support faculty research and creative practice, and to promote the integral role of research and creative practice in the multifaceted engagement of planning, architecture, design, and scholarship. Please note that at Taubman College, research and creative practice is broadly

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored projects fall into one of two categories – external funding given to the University and internal funding given from within the University. Externally-Funded Projects have a specific budget and deliverable(s), and are funded by a government agency, foundation, or industry sponsor, whose funding is given to The Regents of the University of Michigan. All

PEERRS Research Training

All persons engaged in research and scholarship, including faculty, postdocs/fellows, students, and staff, shall complete the PEERRS-RCRS online course.

Matching Funds / Cost Sharing

Many sponsors require matching funds or cost sharing obligations. The form and source of funding able to be included as ‘matching funds’ or ‘cost share’ may vary according to the rules of a particular research sponsor. Where permitted, a portion of faculty salary for time assigned to the project but not funded by the sponsor

Indirect Cost (IDC) Recovery

Indirect Costs (IDC), also known as Facilities and Administrative (F+A) Costs, are the real costs associated with University operations that cannot be allocated to a specific project. These include: (1) departmental administration costs, (2) plant operations and maintenance costs, (3) space related costs (utilities, depreciation), (4) network costs (hardware, software, personnel services and other related

Conflicts Of Interest & Conflicts Of Commitment

The University Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment can be found here. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the definitions of what constitutes a potential conflict to be disclosed, your responsibilities as a University employee, and that you disclose any potential conflicts as they “arise or are identified.” Make sure to check our

Visiting Scholars and Visiting Students Policies

If you are interested in hosting an external, visiting scholar or visiting student at Taubman College, make sure to familiarize yourself with the policies below, and in particular, your personal responsibilities as the hosting faculty member. Visiting Scholars Policy for individuals who have external support to travel to a host institution toundertake specific research activities

Publicize Your Work

Use this form to notify the College Marketing and Communications Teams about current/upcoming news items or project descriptions.  You can even bookmark https://myumi.ch/yKBBn in your web browser for quick access. Please submit one news item or project per form.