Mentoring Resources: For Mentors

Mentoring Resources + Templates List for Mentors

  • What’s Next? is designed to facilitate personal research planning, as well as team-based or mentor-mentee dialogue around needs and expectations. What’s Next? helps unlock assumptions and build connections between scholarly and research interests, passions, skills, needs, and outcomes. Play encourages “thinking big” about new opportunities and for scholarship and creative research.
    • Mentors / Mentees may wish to explicitly discuss expectations around confidentiality using some or all of these prompts. 
    • What we discuss will not be talked about with others and will be kept strictly confidential.
    • If we feel we may have breached confidentiality inadvertently, we will discuss what happened.
    • We may decide to share some conversations with others, e.g., to get their help on a particular problem identified.
    • What we discuss here may be shared with the chair or others for the purpose of feedback and evaluation.
    • What we discuss is required to be shared with the chair or others for the purpose of feedback and evaluation.
    • The mentor will/will not be asked to give their evaluation of the progress of the mentee.
    • If a problem arises in the mentoring relationship that we cannot resolve, we may choose to discuss that confidentially with the chair.
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