Faculty Mentoring Resources

Mentoring Resources: Overview & Goals

Mentoring Program Goals Overview, Approach, and Key Program Elements & Outcomes

Mentoring Resources: Roles & Expectations

Roles & Expectations Mentoring is conceived as a partnership between mentees, mentors, and College leadership all working together towards the mentees’ tenure and success....

Mentoring Resources: Getting Started

Mentoring Timeline Spring / Summer Semesters Fall Semester Winter Semester Different Mentoring Scenarios for Different Types of Support The mentoring...

Mentoring Resources: For Mentees

Mentoring Resources + Templates List for Mentees Structure of Mentoring Assignments Customized Assigned Mentoring Scenario Phase 1 of the mentoring...

Mentoring Resources: For Mentors

Mentoring Resources + Templates List for Mentors

Mentoring Resources: For Program Chairs

Mentoring Resources + Templates List for Program Chairs Mentoring Assignments In assigning mentoring relationships, the following key priorities can be...

Taubman Tools for Faculty, Staff, and Current Students

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