Taubman Career Programming

Information about events and programs from the Taubman College Career & Professional Development team.

Career Fairs

Taubman College hosts two (2) career fairs each academic year – one during the fall semester and one during the...

Workshop Series

The Career & Professional Development team hosts a workshop series to teach students various career skills. Our typical workshop cycle...

Speed Networking

The Taubman College Alumni Council engages with students during a speed networking event each year, to allow students to practice...

Portfolio Reviews

Taubman College alumni are invited to participate in a portfolio review event once each year to provide current students with...

Career Trek Program

The first Taubman College Career Trek took place during spring break in 2023, with a group of students traveling to...

January Career Intensive

The Career & Professional Development team hosts a career “boot camp” each year known as the January Career Intensive. This...

Other Career Events

In addition to our standing annual events, the Career & Professional Development team hosts other events designed to teach valuable...

Spring Break Opportunities

Many students seek to pursue professional development opportunities during spring break. We facilitate this by inviting employers to submit job...

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