Hiring Temporary Employees

We are partnering with the university’s Shared Services Center (SSC) to improve the hiring process for temporary support. Below is information regarding hiring student and non-student temps.

Hiring Student Temps

Student Hiring Guide

Refer to the Student Hiring Guide to help you through the student hiring process. As a reminder, please send all student job postings to taubmancollegecareer@umich.edu for consistent, equitable sharing instead of sending one-off emails. (The career team can brainstorm additional ideas if you are struggling to get applicants). 

Hiring Process

Please use this link: Student Temporary Employee Request Form. See below for the department IDs, job IDs, and the student employment office (SEO) job IDs associated with each job title.

Department IDs

  • Architecture: 372100
  • Urban Planning: 372200
  • Taubman College Administration: 372300

Job Titles, Job Codes, and SEO Job IDs

Job TitleJob CodeSEO Job ID
Administrative Assistant02600068007
Assistant in Research
Architecture freshman & sophomore only
Cashier/Sales Clerk0537007572
Editorial Assistant05560019071
Graphic Artist I03240028755
Laboratory Assistant03720016887
Museum Assistant03602028958
Office Assistant0510008178
Program Assistant02620062918
Research Assistant I02810015049

Hiring Non-Student Temps

Faculty, please use this link for temporary research assistants: Non-student Temporary Employee Request Form. When asked: “Do you have a job posting for this position?” Select ‘Yes’ and use Job ID: 200661 (Research Assistant). SSC will direct the pre-selected candidate to apply to the position and process their appointment. 

Staff members hiring non-student temporary employees must work with the Taubman College HR team. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to taubmancollegehr@umich.edu and our HR team would be happy to help!

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