U-M Internal Funding & Support

Center For Research On Teaching And Learning (CRLT)

CRLT (Center for Research on Learning and Teaching) Grants provide a number of grants to enhance teaching and learning at...

Ginsberg Center

The Edward Ginsberg Center offers funding opportunities for community-engaged teaching and research, seeking to engage faculty interested in advancing their...

Graham Sustainability Institute

The Graham Sustainability Institute provides support for collaborative research that seeks real-world impact on sustainability challenges at the intersection of...

Humanities Collaboratory

The Humanities Collaboratory began through an investment by the Provost’s Office to support collaborative, multi-generational, inclusive, and transformational humanities scholarship...

Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)

MIDAS (Michigan Institute for Data Science) have been funding annual PODS (Propelling Original Data Science) grants to foster innovative and...

Poverty Solutions

U-M Poverty Solutions offer up to five faculty awards of $20,000 each, per academic year, on a rolling basis. Grants...

Professional Development Fund for LEO Lecturers

The Professional Development Fund for LEO Lecturers began in September 2008. It is funded by the Provost’s office and calls...

Urban Collaboratory

The Urban Collaboratory brings together interdisciplinary faculty and students to partner with communities to address on-the-ground challenges. If you would...

Taubman Tools for Faculty, Staff, and Current Students

The Taubman College Intranet is an evolving repository of information co-created by us all for faculty, staff, and current students. It is a single starting point to access internal resources and complements other college and university resources.

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