Policies & Procedures

Lecturer Workload Policy

The full-time teaching load for a Lecturer in the Taubman College is four (4) courses per academic year, two (2)...

Inclement Weather

It is the policy of the university to remain open at all times in order to maintain our commitment to...

Sabbatical Leave Policy

You will be contacted by the Dean’s Office when you are eligible for a sabbatical. They will provide a timeline...

Faculty Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Policy

To disclose potential conflicts of interest or commitment, please visit M-Inform.

Academic Human Resources Information for Faculty

Academic Human Resources (AHR) administers and provides consultation to schools and colleges related to programs, policies and procedures for Instructional...

FOIA Requests

The University of Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office typically sends all FOIA requests to the chief of staff...

Taubman Tools for Faculty, Staff, and Current Students

The Taubman College Intranet is an evolving repository of information co-created by us all for faculty, staff, and current students. It is a single starting point to access internal resources and complements other college and university resources.

Use the site navigation or the search function to locate content. Click "thumbs up" or 'thumbs down" to let content providers know if the information was helpful...or not! Let us know using this form if you cannot find the information you need, identify content that needs to be updated, or have questions or ideas.

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