Call for Papers, Closed Panels, and Making and Doing Presentations
Deadline: May 26, 2023 (notification of acceptance on June 9)
We will begin accepting submissions at the end of April.
We invite submissions for papers, closed panels, and Making & Doing sessions that align with the conference theme. We are interested in proposals that expand our understanding of how technology, knowledge, and science, understood to be contentious and contested ideas themselves, shape social, political, cultural, environmental, and economic dynamics. We embrace 4S’s long-standing commitments to social and environmental justice across overlapping and diverse intellectual communities to encourage innovative contributions attentive to the problems of dwelling in polluted waters, colonized landscapes, and militarized spaces; of airborne transmission and breathing in asphyxiating economies; or of speaking through undersea cables, underground data centers, and online systems. We welcome STS insights into technoscientific practice and knowledge, the nature of expertise, and whose knowledge claims count and how.
Participation guidelines
There are several ways to participate in the 4S 2023 conference: presenting an individual paper, organizing or participating in closed panels, commenting on papers, and presenting in a Making & Doing session. We will also be accepting proposals for roundtable discussions and meet-ups in a separate call on July 24. In order to enable many people’s participation, the conference chairs will follow the following guideline. Each participant will be limited to one paper as a presenter and two additional non-presenter roles at the conference. Non-presenter roles include organizing or chairing a session, being a commentator in a session, organizing or participating in roundtables, and participating in a Making & Doing session.
Submitting a paper to an open panel
Paper submissions to open panels should be presented in the form of abstracts of up to 250 words. They should include the main arguments, methods and contributions to STS. When submitting your paper, you will be asked to designate one or more areas of STS research and add keywords. In addition, you will select up to two accepted open panels to host it. In this way, we reinforce the possibility of your papers being in thematically connected sessions, thus facilitating networking and scholarly discussion. View descriptions of the 2023 Open Panels.
Submitting an individual paper
Individual paper submissions should be presented in the form of abstracts of up to 250 words. They should include the main arguments, methods and contributions to STS. When submitting your paper, you will be asked to select one or more areas of STS research and add keywords. The Program Committee will organize individual papers not associated with closed or open panels into panels, or direct them to the organizers of appropriate open panels for their consideration.
Organizing a closed panel
Submissions for closed panels should contain an abstract and a justification of up to 250 words, including a brief discussion of their contribution to STS. A panel proposal must contain a minimum of three paper abstracts that meet the above criteria. A maximum of six time slots per 100-minute session is available (e.g. 5 papers plus 1 discussant). A panel may be made up of a maximum of three sessions. The composition of panels will ultimately be determined by the Program Committee. If your proposal contains fewer than five papers, the Committee may (in consultation with you) allocate additional papers to your panel to optimize scheduling and participation. The Program Committee will consider proposals for a limited number of Author meets Critics panels. It is suggested to discuss recently awarded books or books whose contributions are considered substantive or original. Diverse formats are welcome, for example discussing two books in a single Author Meets Critics panel in order to put the pair of books into conversation and structure a discussion of a domain. Please submit the Author meets Critics proposals as closed panels.
Participate in Making & Doing
The STS Making & Doing program invites 4S members to submit experimental work and exploratory practices that are best presented interactively, outside of a traditional panel format. Making & Doing encourages STS researchers to share work that takes up speculative, participatory, reflexive and/or aesthetic approaches to the study of science, technology and society, as well as projects that experiment with frameworks for producing, sharing, and reconfiguring knowledge. Submissions for Making & Doing should include an abstract of up to 250 words, along with an additional technical requirements paragraph of up to 100 words, and a representative image. In technical requirements, please explain the preferred form of your presentation (a screening, a performance, a workshop, an installation), how much time a visitor would need to interact with your presentation, and any technical or spatial requirements. Participation in the Making and Doing event does not count toward limits on conference participation described elsewhere. While most presentations will be in person, proposals for online presentations will also be considered. Find galleries of past Making & Doing exhibitions here.
Roundtables and Meet-ups
The call for the roundtables and meet-ups is July 24th. Roundtables do not require formal papers and take a more conversational format and participants do not need to submit paper titles and abstracts.
Remote Participation and Online-Only Panels
4S 2023 is a face-to-face conference with robust options for online participation. We will be offering a Zoom Events platform, which will allow participants to attend panels that organizers have decided to stream online. Panel organizers and chairs will be able to log on to their sessions on Zoom and stream their panel from their meeting room in Honolulu using their own devices. Paper presenters may participate in panels remotely with the co-operation of the panel chair or organizer who is attending in person. We will also be accepting a limited number of online-only panels. Online-only panels: If you would like to run an online-only panel, please contact the conference chairs ( following the submission of your proposal. Remote paper presentation: When submitting your abstract, please indicate if you NOT be attending in person.
If you need help with accounts and login, please contact
If you have substantive questions about the meeting program and procedures, contact