Materials for the Promotion Review Dossier
Please note the period of review focuses primarily on the time between your current rank to the present. Past work can be referenced to inform your current trajectory but should not be the focus of your dossier.
As a candidate, you will create 3 PDF documents with hyperlinks as necessary:
- CV and Statements
- Teaching Portfolio
- Research/Creative Practice Portfolio
1. CV and Statements PDF
Please note the CV and Teaching, Research, and Service Statements MUST be in 8.5X11 portrait format per provost guidelines. Materials not submitted as such will be returned to the candidate for reformatting.
Current Curriculum Vitae
The CV is provided to the Provost’s Office and candidates will be provided a chance to provide an updated version in early February with any new accomplishments from the fall semester.
Please see the Suggested CV Format document for the recommended format.
Statements of Self Evaluation for Teaching, Research/Creative Practice, and Service
Please create three separate statements regarding your teaching, research/creative practice, and service. Additional details are provided below for each statement. Statements should be in a legible font and approximately 3 pages each for research and teaching. The service statement is generally 1-2 pages but may be longer where service figures heavily in the promotion case. Each of these statements is provided to the provost in the university-level review of your casebook.
Teaching Statement
Succinctly describe your teaching in a way that someone outside your immediate area can understand. In doing this, describe:
- Your role as teacher in terms of content areas of teaching and methods used and how your teaching is related to the college’s undergraduate and graduate programs in architecture and urban planning
- Your teaching goals, challenges and accomplishments, and teaching aspirations moving forward
- Pedagogical or curricular innovations you have brought to your teaching, including inclusive teaching methods
- Your contribution to student mentorship or, if appropriate, doctoral advising
- How your teaching is related to your research/creative practice
Research/Creative Practice/Scholarship and/or Professional Activity Statement
Succinctly describe your research/creative practice in a way that someone outside your immediate area can understand. In doing this, explain:
- The thrust of the research/creative practice, the underlying philosophy, and the major contributions you have made; and present your contributions in terms of your principal findings or innovations rather simply describing the areas in which you work or your methods
- Your authorship position and exact role(s) in collaborative work if relevant
- The strengths of your research/creative practice work and your future research/creative practice goals
- The connection between professional activity you perform outside the college and your faculty responsibilities and your future professional activity goals
University and Public Service Statement
Succinctly describe what service directly related to your academic and professional role you have provided the college, university, professional or scientific societies and other groups.
- Indicate its relationship to your research/creative practice and teaching
2. Teaching Portfolio PDF
- Complete Table 1 for all course information and evaluation scores. For the teaching evaluation scores, please follow the design and format of the table provided below, as it represents the information and style the Provost’s Office requests.
- Complete Table 2 for all dissertation committees you have chaired, co-chaired or were a member of for students within and outside the college.
- Please include any other information pertaining to teaching you wish to include, such as course syllabi, samples of student work, interdisciplinary teaching efforts, independent study courses you have directed, etc. These materials should be carefully edited to reflect the most important teaching moments and select examples of student work in order to provide a strong summation of your contribution to Taubman College curriculum and pedagogy. Include only the syllabus from the latest year for each course you have taught.
Table 1: Summary of Formal Teaching and Evaluation Scores
Current Teaching Evaluation Table format per Provost (sample below but subject to change annually)
Courses Taught at U-M and Evaluations
Prior to FA16 evaluations included four (4) required “core” questions:
- Q1 – Overall, this was an excellent course
- Q2 – Overall, the instructor was an excellent teacher
- Q3 – I learned a great deal from this course
- Q4 – I had a strong desire to take this course
Beginning September 1, 2016, Q4 continued as a core question. However, Q1, Q2, and Q3 were replaced effective FA16 as “core” questions by the following seven (7) questions, taken from the Registrar’s Office Question Catalog:
- Q199 – The instructor explained material clearly;
- Q217 – The instructor treated students with respect.
- Q230 – The instructor seemed well prepared for class meetings
- Q891 (Modified) – As compared with other courses of equal credit, the workload for this course was… (SA = Much Lighter, A = Lighter, N = Typical, D = Heavier, SD = Much Heavier)
- Q1631 – This course advanced my understanding of the subject matter (Q1631 was specifically intended to replace Q3)
- Q1632 – My interest in the subject has increased because of this course
- Q1633 – I knew what was expected of me in this course
While they are no longer part of the core set, Q1 and Q2 were required through SU21. Beginning Fall 2021, Q1 and Q2 became optional.

Table 2: Dissertation Committees (indicate name of co-chair, if applicable)
Your Role (Chair, Co-Chair, Member) | Student Name | Area* | Thesis Title | Year Degree Granted or Expected |
*In Taubman College give concentration, specialization, and, if appropriate, the field of study. If outside Taubman College, give unit (college, school, and department).
3. Research/Scholarship/Creative Work/Professional Activity Portfolio PDF
- Include material pertaining to disciplinary or interdisciplinary research/creative practice/scholarship and/or professional activity such as book excerpts, published scholarly articles written by you or about you, samples of recognized or juried design work, conference presentations, exhibitions, or installations.
- In instances of co-authored or co-produced work clearly identify your distinct contribution to the project.
- Be judicious in your choice of material; edit to avoid redundancy and focus on the most impactful work.
- When appropriate, emphasize work that is peer-reviewed through publication or design juries or presented in highly regarded journals or venues.
Anticipated Timeline for Promotion & Tenure Review
Timeframe | Task |
February 15 | Faculty deadline for informing Dean of request for review |
March 15 | All faculty requesting a review will be notified of the Executive Committee’s decision |
April | Committees are established Candidate submits: Draft CV Up to one page summarizing the candidate’s research or creative practice Ranked list of 5-7 names of possible arm’s length external reviewers (please do not contact these individuals in advance) Names of 10-15 graduated students with email addresses Two or three names of faculty at UM to serve as your additional committee member (please do not contact these individuals in advance). They should be at or above the rank of the promotion being considered and within the university but not from the college. One will be selected by the Promotion and Tenure Committee chair, in consultation with the committee members, to join the committee for the purpose of evaluating your case only. Promotion and Tenure Committee initiates finding external reviewers. |
May – August | Candidate assembles materials |
July 1 (or sooner) | Submit final CV in Word document format to program chair for review Please reference the Suggested CV Format document for the recommended format the college would like faculty to use |
First week in September | Final deadline for candidate to submit casebook materials to Dean’s Office Late submissions will not be reviewed |
September | Promotion and Tenure Committee initiates its activities |
Early November | Deadline for receipt of external reviewer letters and program chair letters |
Mid December | Committee provides their assessment without the recommendation to the candidate for review. Candidate has one week to respond in writing, if desired |
Late December – Early January | Committee submits final recommendation to Executive Committee |
January | Dean and Executive Committee review recommendation |
Mid February | Recommendations/casebooks due to Provost Dean notifies candidates of the Executive Committee’s decision |
Mid May | Regents meeting Dean notifies candidates of the final decision |
Mid June | Newly Promoted Faculty Reception |
Additional Information
More content about the Promotion and Tenure process can be found in the College Rules:
- Section 7.8 Promotion and Tenure Committee(s)
- Section 10.8 Promotion of Faculty
- Appendix C: Criteria and Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure Review
Other relevant materials include: