Community Hub

The Taubman College Community Hub is a shared Google Calendar, accessible to all students, faculty and staff, which also links to resource channels (Google docs) which will serve as a home base for non-event announcements, general reminders, and quick updates. 

Add it to your list of calendar options by clicking the “+” in the lower right corner of the screen.

Launched by Student Affairs, the academic program chairs and student groups based on student feedback. The Hub is a key resource for communicating events, updates and announcements to our students. 

Wondering what’s happening today, this week, or on a particular day in February? Open the Hub. 

Have something you’d like to share with the College? Maybe there is extra food leftover after your event, or you heard about an interesting new class, or you have an event to suggest? 

Use the Announcements Resource Channel to post about it. 

The Student Affairs team and student group leaders will move date-specific details to the calendar and arrange content so the most timely and recent information remains at the top. 

Missed an event? If a recording is available, we’ll link it to the event listing on the calendar.

The Hub will be an evolving resource. We want to limit the one-off emails you receive and consolidate information in a way that allows you to opt-in, set notifications, and reference things as you need to. 

We welcome your thoughts and ideas, send them to Student Affairs, ARC or UPSA.

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